Welcome to Paint+Fashion! Let's be a Fashionable Girl in here!
Showing posts with label secretary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secretary. Show all posts

May 18, 2012

It's SECRET! #1

Hi all! Now Miss Fashionable has to be incognito as a detective! Miss Fashionable see some SECRET in picture in Paint+Fashion! What’s the SECRET? This is some SECRET, but don’t say it to others!

List of SECRET:

  1. Skirt Fever!-Snow-A hole in ponytail
  2. Now, it's time for holiday!-Beach-Two color in strap tank top
  3. It's Sneakers Time!-Park-Color under shoes almost same with grass
  4. Skirt Fever!-School-Smile with red lips
Now, let's find more secret!